1835 S Front Street, Lonoke 72086

Creating connections and providing unwavering support

What is Advocacy?
Advocacy services are designed to give support and education to every family that is seen at the Children's Advocacy Center. It is common for the investigation to cause stress for families. The Child & Family Advocate is able to answer questions, provide resources, and relieve worries.
The Caregiver Interview
While the child is being interviewed by our forensic interviewer, the Family Advocate sits down with the a non-offending caregiver, in a private setting, and discusses individual needs and helps the family create a plan of action. A caregiver interview explores the abuse-related needs of the caregivers, provides education on the investigation process, and provides general reassurance and support. Following this initial appointment, the Family Advocate follows up with the family to inquire about any progress, concerns, questions or additional needs.
Services provided by the Advocate:
Greeting child and non-offending caregiver at the door and helping them to feel comfortable and relaxed while at the Children's Advocacy Center
Providing child and non-offending caregiver with information about what takes place while at the Children's Advocacy Center
Provide family with information about different resources and services in their area. Resources may include: mental health therapy, food assistance, clothing, housing assistance, etc.
Provide emotional support to the child and non-offending caregiver during and after their visit to the Children's Advocacy Center
Follow up contact with the non-offending caregiver to ensure that they are receiving services and resources as needed
Being a consistent contact for the child and non-offending caregiver throughout the process of the investigation